
Naira rate of USD, EURO, GRP today

Naira rate of USD, EURO, GRP today

USD is being traded at ₦1,194 in Black Market (Lagos) today, Sunday, December 10, 2023. USD has been traded at ₦1168 when Black Market opened this week on Monday, December 4, 2023. This makes it -11.67% decline for United States Dollar against Naira this week.
When we look at this month, USD was traded at ₦1166 at the beginning of this December on Friday, December 1, 2023. As at today with USD being traded at ₦1,194 we see a -11.65% decline for United States Dollar to Naira exchange rate for this month.

Black Market Exchange Rates
Buying Rate
Selling Rate
Dollar to Naira 1194 1185
Pounds to Naira 1485 1470
Euro to Naira 1272 1255
Canadian Dollar to Naira 900 870
Rand to Naira 52 43
Dirham to Naira ‎0 0
Yuan to Naira 62 62
G.Cedi to Nair 70 50
CFA F. (XOF) To Naira 0.83 0.81
CFA F. (XAF) To Naira 0.74 0.74

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