
Why Angola lost to Nigeria" - Angola Coach Reveals

"Why Angola lost to Nigeria" - Angola Coach Reveals 

  Angola coach Pedro Goncalves has revealed why Angola had lost to Nigeria.

He said the quarter-final match against the Super Eagles of Nigeria was a demanding game and Angola lost to Nigeria because his strikers didn’t perform, while the Super Eagles were more efficient.

He added that fatigue also played a path in their performance against Nigeria on Friday, February 2

Goncalves said Nigeria had a very strong squad and was more efficient than a team. “It was a demanding game. Trying to mourn about this defeat is not a good attitude to have. Our strikers didn’t perform. Nigeria were more efficient.”

He also said his team suffered from fatigue after playing in three different cities, unlike the Super Eagles who had been in Abidjan for all their games.“Nigeria has never left Abidjan since the start of the competition but we (Angola) have played in about three cities. Truthfully, fatigue also played a path in our performance but it is still no excuse. Let’s just commend ourselves for getting this far.”

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