

SECRET BEHIND DREAMS How we dream REM is the sweet spot Our most vivid dreams happen during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, which happens in short episodes throughout the night about 90 to 120 minutes apart. Morning is better Longer dreams occur in the morning hours. Weekends help you remember You’re more likely to remember your dreams on weekends or days when you sleep in, because each episode of REM sleep is longer than the last. Your muscles are paralyzed Most of your muscles become paralyzed during REM sleep to prevent you from acting out your dreams. Pictures are most common We dream mostly in pictures, with the majority of dreams being mainly visual with little sound or movement. Recurring dreams have themes Recurring dreams in children are mostly about: confrontations with animals or monsters physical aggressions falling being chased We don’t all dream in color Around 12 percent of people dream in black and white. What we dream Strange is normal Many of our dreams are strange because the part of the brain responsible for making sense of things shuts down during dreaming. Our day informs our dreams Most of our dreams are linked to thoughts or events from the previous day or two. Faces are familiar You likely only dream about faces you’ve already seen in person or on TV, according to Stanford University. Low stress means happy dreams You’re more likely to have pleasant dreams if you’re experiencing low stress and feel satisfied in your real life.

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